Sunday, November 27, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane

I recently took a 6am flight to Macau. Given a choice, I really wouldn't want to catch a flight at this hour. Had to leave for the airport at 4am. I usually sleep really late and the morning I was supposed to leave, I ended chatting with my brother till 4am then left for the airport. Didn't sleep at all. To top it off, I don't sleep well on flights. Ended up arriving in Macau very very very very sleep deprived.

The only good thing about catching a flight at this time, was that I managed to watch an amazing sunrise! It was raining when I boarded the plane. Luckily there wasn't much turbulence.

I bought a packet of Animal crackers as my on board flight. Brought a book on board as well just in case I couldn't sleep. I really couldn't sleep in the end and ended up making my animal crackers pose of pictures and taking pictures of the amazing sunrise :)

Here are pictures of the amazing sunrise and the obligatory pictures of clouds everyone takes. The clouds outside the plane on the day of my flight looked super dense. It looked like a snow scape instead of clouds!


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